Our Second Child & Happy Halloween

This is going to be a quick post, because this momma is TIRED.

Today I announced at work (and on Facebook… because that makes it Official, right?!) that J & I are expecting baby #2.

We’ve tried for awhile… and waited for awhile… and were patient for awhile.  And yes, I grew frustrated and despaired and wondered if it was EVER gonna happen (especially because making Gabriel required no wait at all).  We tried to time around work, promotions, seasons, and a slew of things.  “Oh this month would be perfect because….”  Well, of course, we found out God always has the Master Plan.  And his plan was a June baby.  So a June baby we will have 🙂

I found out on Sunday September 29th.  I had just run the Salem Lake 7 miler the day prior, and while I was running, I sorta just knew.  Something felt different, and I was a few days late so that tipped me off too.  I had been kind of informally charting my temperatures, so that was the final icingonthecake of the most wonderful yesssss I’m finally prego feeling.  When I finally took the test, it turned positive immediately.  Just like with Gabe.  I can’t describe that joy.  To finally know, I have life inside me again.  I lifted my head towards the ceiling and praised God.

It’s been a series of ups & downs in terms of mood.  My belly is starting to get round and poke out, so I’ve been paranoid the past few weeks that people were going to start noticing before I made the Big Announcement.  I’ve been not hungry, or so hungry I could eat anything.  Nausea has been almost daily, but not to the point of throwing up, so that is a major plus, especially because I sit with a bunch of guys at work.

The highlight thus far was my 8 week ultrasound on Tuesday, and finally getting to see the little one:

ultrasound 8 weeks baby2He or she is the size of a gummy bear (and looks like one too).  Life is such a miracle… we were all once 8 week old tiny gummy bears, miracles to our moms & dads.  I am grateful to be carrying this child, and eternally grateful that God blessed me with this opportunity to bear another child, a sibling for Gabriel, and possibly my second son, or first daughter.  I am so hopeful for the possibility of this child’s life.

I don’t want to turn into a pile of joyous tears right now, so I’ll just say… I feel blessed tonight.  We took Gabe trick or treating–he did an excellent job shouting it to the neighbors–and let him eat copious amounts of candy.  He fell and busted his front teeth on the living room floor, but I think he’s OK.  Thomas the Tank engine costume proved a huge hit, and his little face lit up when I gave it to him 🙂  They had a party at daycare, and he brought home plenty of goodies.  Hopefully he sleeps!  Oh, and when I told him he was going to have a baby brother or sister, he said “I get to push the stroller?”  Yes Gabe, you can definitely help Mommy push the stroller.  Love my sweet boy.

That is all.  Momma is exhausted, and Gabe keeps waking up at 5-5:30 to watch Mickey Mouse… this too shall pass.  Can’t wait until baby #2 keeps me up all night! LOL

Goodnight friends!

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